yes it is--he was also in an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation. But, because of his ugly face, he always looks like a sadistic killer.
The film was more or less watchable until the end when apparently the writers went on strike.the money dried up, and the stage hands came up with the idea of a surprise visit from the Incubus It was "Fun House" scary, meaning not at all.
I watched this film yesterday and actually enjoyed it very much. Thanks for posting my friend. It's very much appreciated..
I really enjoyed watching this movie, very funny at the end when Martha pimp slaps Lana, hahajaaaa
didn't like this one at all. you had these members of a sect (brothers of God), who were robbers and killers, but pretended that they were friends of God. never believed this for a second--as a movie premise. Am surprised that Wes Craven made it after this---it was REALLY that bad! Had I not seen Wes Craven movies already, I would never want to see one after watching this.
He's a good actor imo. Been in many things from "one flew over the cookoos nest", to "devils rejects" and heaps of others. He's one of those easily recognisable actors, much like danny trejo with is rough face and tattoos. Or vincent schiavalli and his "sad face" with grey circles under his eyes (he was the organ grinder from batman returns 1992). Or forrest whittaker with his lazy eye, and so-on. These actors may not fit in "hollywood hotties" list or whatever, but they are usually excellent and memorable actors. And because they arent all "perfect" like the rest of hollywood actors, they seem more real as people and more believable in their role. Thats just my opinion anyways, up to you if you agree or disagree ;-)
I thought the same thing - was I watching a bad made for tv movie? Wes Craven, I'm sure, never lived this one down. Every writer/director has their ups and downs, and this was waaaay down. Too many characters with too many problems, that never were made clear. The ending was atrocious and came out of nowhere. For Sharon Stone lovers, she acted like a zombie throughout most the movie. Skip this one entirely!
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